"Tron" Light Cycle

Today, Computer Generated Images try to replicate reality in films, but how do you replicate an obvious C.G. model WITH reality?

In 1982, digital imaging technology was just beginning to make itself known, and Disney's movie "Tron" utilized the best the industry had to offer. Taking advantage of the highly synthetic look of CGI, "Tron" simulated a fantasy world within the computer itself, granting a perfect forum to create the wonderous images seen in the film. Images which were so fantastic, at that time, no one had ever seen anything like it before.


Although not completely accurate, the kit of the Lightcycle, manufactured by Alberta Industrial Models, is a good representation of the futuristic bike. It was cast in five solid resin parts; the main body, rear wheel, top and side widows. All parts were cleaned, primed and painted with metallic automotive lacquers before assembly with superglue, then the whole model was sprayed with Testor's Dullcote to give it a satin sheen. A base was made from MDF and sprayed flat black. White automotive pinstriping was used for the "Game Grid". Harsh lighting during photography completes the look you see here.




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